Home / State Visit Uttar Pradesh on 26th November 2024 (Through VC)

State Visit Uttar Pradesh on 26th November 2024 (Through VC)

Dear Sandeep ji, Director of Factories UP / Sri D K Mishra, Secretary General of ASSOCHAM UP Chapter,

Thanks for taking part in today’s VC meeting regarding IGFP proposals on OSH SS for which A Presentation was made by me which is enclosed herewith.

As discussed, the following proposals could be hosted by Assocham UP Chapter with partnership of Directorate of Factories UP & ESIC UP with coordination of Indo German Focal point (IGFP) with support of our partners from Germany led by DGUV.

  1. Hosting of International Vision Zero Conference @ Lucknow for industries of UP with HR officers / safety officers / management representatives including contractors as participants for construction, manufacturing, electricity & MSME (Small Businesses) 
  2. District wise online / offline training programs on Vision Zero ESIC, EPFO as A Multidisciplinary nature to benefit participants of industries including students of Schools & Colleges.
  3. Adoption Vision Zero Goal (VZG) through children & students by use of lifelong learning techniques (Games,Toy’s)  as promoted by SEWA with support of our German Partner BG BAU.
  4. Publications & Posters on Safety & Health through Pictorial Depiction as shown in the presentation by me.

Kindly Send your response (Of Directorate of Factories & Of ASSOCHAM UP) with request to Mr.Jha ESIC I/c UP State to coordinate for necessary action.

Screenshot alongwith soft copy of the presentation including cover page of our publications enclosed.

With Cheers & Regards

Mr B.K Sahu 
Former Insurance Commissioner, ESIC, Ministry of Labour,
Communication Adviser To Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, IRDA,
Director @ Indo- German Focal Point- Prevention & Social Security For India , DGUV
Land No- 0674-2386668, Mobile- 9040590798/ 981809884
Our Website:-www.indogermanfocalpoint.com 
“7 Years  of Indo German Cooperation on OSH, SS”
(And the Journey Continues …)ISSA Vision Zero Award 2023 to IGFP @ World Congress Sydney

Click here to download the Presentation for Labour Secretary Uttar Pradesh, By Mr. B.K Sahu