Home / Pension scheme for unorganized workers
Pension scheme for unorganized workers

Dear Friends/ Wellwisher,
Towards Universalization of Social Security for unorganized workers in India which constitutes 93 percent of total workforce in India, Two Schemes recently announced by Govt. Of India should be Game Changer for, these workers who are mostly contract self employed jobs: –
1.Towards, Healthcare, Ayushman Bharat with free medical treatment involving Primary and Secondary care, for those, who registered with this scheme Anywhere in the Country with effect from August, 2018.
2. Just this month, central govt has announced PM Pension Yojana- Assuring, Minimum Pension, on reaching, 60 years of age, by paying, a, fixed affordable Contribution with matching contribution by, Central government which is monitored by, Ministry of, Labour and LIC of India
What, is, required is creating Awareness Camps/ Programs by all Government, public private organisations in the country for which IGFP is committed to do
I, thought it appropriate to send here with Government Notification with request to, circulate to all, concerned and awareness ect as, a part of our, joint effort to have Universalization of social security in India.
With, cheers,
B. K. Sahu,
Former Insurance Commissioner, ESIC
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