Home / National Seminar on Occupational Safety, Health and Social Security (OSH and SS)for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector Organized by Ministry ofMicro, Small & Medium Enterprises – Development Facilitation Office (MSME–DFO), Cuttack in Association with Indo German Focal Point (IGFP), Bhubaneswar & District Industries Center (DIC) on 23rd September 2023 at Hotel Holiday Resort, Puri
National Seminar on Occupational Safety, Health and Social Security (OSH and SS)for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector Organized by Ministry ofMicro, Small & Medium Enterprises – Development Facilitation Office (MSME–DFO), Cuttack in Association with Indo German Focal Point (IGFP), Bhubaneswar & District Industries Center (DIC) on 23rd September 2023 at Hotel Holiday Resort, Puri
Dear Pawan Gupta ji,MSME DFO Cuttack,
At the outset IGFP would like to extend A Deep Thanks for hosting National Workshop on “One day National Seminar on Occupational Safety, Health and Social Security for MSME Sector on 23rd September 2023 at Puri” -You with your Team with Coordination of IGFP.
1.This Workshop could be called A Milestone involving MSME Sector ( Small Businesses ) from the Traditional Approach of taking up only Issues of Finance/ Marketing/ Supply Chain Management to Innovative Approach by taking up issues which directly affect Productivity of Workers & Industries- Safety, Health & Social Security.
2.This Multidisciplinary Approach which IGFP has been promoting with Focus on Small Businesses/ Self Employed has the uniques Distinction to Capacity Building of Officers & Staff of Ministry/ State Units of MSME for A Secured Workforce with Safe Workplace through Safety Health Presmentations but importantly ESIC EPFO Acts which greatly help such Small Units to know ” How their Workers could get the Benefit of Medical Care/ Cash Benefits/ Pensionary Benefits by getting covered under such Welfare Schemes of Govt of India.
3. Another Feature of this Workshop by bringing together International/ National/ State/ District Level Perspective involving Challenges/ Solutions on OSH SS – From ILO/ISSA Geneva/ DG NSC/ Former Policy Makers from MOL/ District Level Officers implementing @ Grassroot Level/ Companies making Presentation of Good Practices.
4. With Almost 170 Participants engaged in MSME Sector with Women outnumbering Men- IGFP Focus on Family to take the message of ” Safety Starts With Self/Be Healthy to stay Productivity & Social Protection reaching Workers/Parents through such Awareness Cum Training Programs “.
5. The Presentation of Posters/ Safety & Health Are Human Rights containing Pictorial Depiction of What is Wrong/What is Right involving Safety & Health & 7 Golden Rules for Focus on Zero Tolerance for Accident/ Fatality @ Workplaces to MSME Officers should help in putting Postures/ Creating Tagline for carrying the Good Practices @ Shop Floor Level.
IGFP would like to express sincere Gratitude to All the Chairpersons/ Speakers for giving their Time & Efforts for Knowledge Building on Safety/Health & Social Security- Mr. Treichel Bernd, ISSA Vision Zero Geneva , Mr. Lalit Gabhane, DG NSC . Of course due to Technical issues, we could not show Participants View as requested by DG NSC- Please Bear with Us .Mr. Parth Pratim Mitra, IES(Retd.), Former Principal LEA, MOLE, Govt. of India, Dr Ashok Sahu, IES(Retd.), Former SG, NHRC, New Delhi,Mr. A . Panda, GM, DIC, Puri, Mr.Subrat Jena DLO Puri,Dr.Sujata Mishra CDMO, Puri District,Mr. Subrata Biswas Cofounder & CEO, Swasth Bhoomi Private Limited,Dr. Rama Chandra Rout, Director of Intelligence, Govt. of Odisha, Kalinga Packers, Jagatpur, Cuttack,Mr.Mihir Kumar Sahoo, Enforcement Officers EPFO, Puri, Mr. Partha Sarathy Panda, RD ESIC, Bhubaneswar. They are also requested to share their Presentations with IGFP for putting in Websites & to MSME .
IGFP is Privileged to Enclose herewith:- Takeaways/ Summary of Proceedings brought out by Speakers/Intervention of Chairing the Sessions & 2. Minutes of Day Long Proceeding through 4 Technical Sessions as Compiled by Dr Ashok Sahu, IES(Retd.), Former SG, NHRC, New Delhi Along with Few Photos with request to Circulate to Ministry as well as State MSME DCDI including Employers Associations so that Benefit of Such MultiDisciplinary Workshop is replicated in All States.
Impact- 170 Participants/ 42 Institutions ( Subject to Final Confirmation )
With Cheers & Regards
Mr B.K Sahu
The list of panelists is annexed.
After lighting of ceremonial lamp and initial welcome address by Dr. S N Nayak, the Program Perspective was given by Mr. B K Sahu. He also thanked Mr. P K Gupta
for having a deep desire to hold this Conference as well as the Speakers and stated
that Golden Rules of Vision Zero relating to OSH are highly beneficial to both
management and workers and should be adopted by MSME entrepreneurs. During
the Inaugural Session, he also facilitated release of IGFP Flyer and Booklet relating
to Vision Zero Seven Golden Rules for MSME Sector. Poster on Safety and Booklet
on Safety and Health are Human Rights were handed over to MSME officials.
In his address, Mr. A Panda elaborated upon various Governmental schemes being
administered by DICs and asked MSMEs to avail them.
Mr. Subrat K. Jena pointed out that Government of Odisha has already drafted rules
on SS and OSH Codes which once implemented will benefit MSMEs. He also stated
that MSMEs play a major role in generating employment and identification of causes
of accidents is also important.
Mr. P.K.Gupta suggested that important lessons learned through deliberations in the
Conference should be implemented by the MSMEs. During the Technical Session he
narrated how he was impressed by the OSH and SS meeting at Balasore which
motivated him to organize this Conference.
Mr. P.P. Mitra in both Inaugural and Technical Sessions harped upon the
importance of implementing OSH and SS measures by MSMEs, which will help in
increasing production, productivity and wages.
Mr. Subrat K. Sahoo offered a vote of thanks.
Mr. Treichel Bernd gave the International Perspective through VC by highlighting
details of Golden Rules of Vision Zero and stated how Special Commission on
Prevention (SCP) is dealing with safety and health issues.
Mr. Lalit Gabhane gave the National Perspective through VC. He dealt upon both
advantages and shortcomings experienced by MSMEs and stated that ILO
Conventions and Golden Rules enhance employability, provide livelihood and
encourage competitiveness among MSMEs. They should try to receive as many
Safety Awards as possible which will increase their brand image.
Dr.Sujata Mishra dealt with both preventive and promotional aspects of health
management and emphasized upon importance of MSME management taking good
care of workers’ health.
Mr.Subrata Biswas elaborated upon various types of hazards like biological,
psychological, environmental etc. which tell upon both physical and mental health of
workers of MSME Sector, who never take a break as was evident during the
prevalence of Covid pandemic. He suggested various ergonomic and other preventive
measures like workplace flexibility, adequate training etc. mainly to establish a better
health echo system.
Dr. R C Rout stated that workers’ health is a neglected area. The attitude requires to
be changed and accidents should be treated as a disease. Safety starts with self. Small
measure like wearing a helmet goes a long way.
Mr. B. Swain elaborated upon various OSH measures being under taken by M/S
Kalinga Packers, Jagatpur, Cuttack.
Dr. Ashok Sahu dealt with the applicability of various Labour Laws to MSME Sector
and how they have been incorporated into different Codes. He stated that formalizing
micro units would resolve the issue of ‘missing middle’ in MSME Sector. MSMEs can
play an effective role in Global Supply Chains.
Mr. P S Panda highlighted various Schemes being implemented by thr Employees
State Insurance Corporation (ESIC), which can be availed by MSME workers.
Mr. M K Sahoo similarly elaborated upon benefits under various Schemes being
implemented by the Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO).
Mr. K C Rout stated that adoption of Pest Control Systems is a positive step in the
health promotion front.
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to all organizers, panelists and participants.
Prepared by
Indo German Focal Point (IGFP) with support of Dr. Ashok Sahu, IES (Retd.)
Former Secretary General, NHRC & LEA, MOLE & Advisory Board of IGFP
List of panelists is annexed:-
- Dr. S. N. Nayak, MSME DFO, CUTTACK
- Mr. B K Sahu, Director ,IGFP
- Mr. A . Panda, GM, DIC, Puri
- Mr Subrat Jena, DLO, Puri
- Mr. P K Gupta, IEDS, JD & HOO, MSME DFO, Cuttack
- Mr. Parth Pratim Mitra, IES(Retd.) Former Principal LEA, MOLE
- Mr. Subas Ku Sahoo, Asst Director, MSME DFO, Cuttack
- Mr. Treichel Bernd, ISSA Vision Zero Geneva
- Mr. Lalit Gabhane, DG NSC
- Dr.Sujata Mishra CDMO, Puri District
- Mr. Subrata Biswas,Cofounder & CEO, Swasth Bhoomi Private Limited
- Dr. Rama Chandra Rout, Director of Intelligence, Govt. of Odisha
- Mr. B. Swain, Kalinga Packers, Jagatpur, Cuttack
- Dr Ashok Sahu, IES(Retd.), Former SG, NHRC, New Delhi
- Mr. Partha Sarathy Panda, RD ESIC, Bhubaneswar.
- Mr.Mihir Kumar Sahoo, Enforcement Officers EPFO, Puri
- Mr. K C Rout, Former SSO, ESIC
- Golden Rules of Vision Zero relating to OSH are highly beneficial to both management
and workers and should be adopted by MSME entrepreneurs. - Benefits under various Governmental Schemes being administered by DICs can accrue
to MSMEs. - Government of Odisha has already prepared draft Rules relating to SS and OSH Codes.
- Important lessons learned through deliberation in the Conference should be
implemented by the MSMEs. - Adequate training to workers on OSH, promoting safety culture and providing safe
working environment in MSMEs are essential. - MSMEs should try to receive as many Safety Awards as possible which will increase
their brand image. - Health management each important to increase production and productivity of MSMEs.
- Maintenance of a healthy eco system each essential to deal with various types of
hazards. - Safety starts with self. Small measure like wearing a helmet goes a long way.
- Apart from providing safety equipments, awareness generation through preparation
and pasting of educative posters at appropriate places and training of persennels are
very important. - Provision of Social Security Schemes enhances economic power. Benefits being
provided under various Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) and Employees
Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) Schemes should be harnessed. - Adoption of Pest Control Systems is a positive step in the health promotion front.
Prepared by
Indo German Focal Point (IGFP) with support of Dr. Ashok Sahu, IES (Retd.)
Former Secretary General, NHRC & LEA, MOLE & Advisory Board of IGFP